Thursday, February 26, 2015

Decorated Sugar Cookies - Kawaii Cupcakes

THEY'RE SOOOO CUUUUTE!!! These are HANDS. DOWN. the cutest cookies I have ever made. I had such a good time making these. I'm pretty sure I was smiling the whole time. I mean, just look at their cute little faces! How can you not smile? I of course couldn't resist making them even cuter with the addition of polka dots, stripes, hearts, sprinkles, and pastel colors. I think my favorite cupcake has to be the mustachioed one. 

Several of my friends have birthdays mid February/early March so these cookies are for them. Here's a picture from Kelly's instagram of what they looked like when she received them It's always a giant sigh of relief when my cookies reach their destination safely. EDIT: My website has since been changed from Sweet Pree to Kishmish Kitchen).

I was inspired by none other than Sweet Ambs for these cupcake cookies - here is her tutorialMy head is spinning with ideas on more kawaii-inspired food cookies - I'm thinking fruits and vegetables, sushi, doughnuts, ice cream cones, a box of chocolates, mochi....the possibilities are endless!

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